Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm just rambling ...

I've seen a few movies recently, mostly the typical popular blockbusters that everyone raves about but simply follow the exact same story lines as their predecessors. I'll be the first to admit that my preferences in film often lead me to watch these common, overplayed films. However, there are only so many times one can endure it without losing their mind. One exception to this long list of disappointing movies is A Clockwork Orange, which i recently saw for the first time. I thought it was an excellent movie, albeit strange (to say the least) and moderately disturbing at times. It actually gives you something to think about once the film is over. A Clockwork Orange was refreshing and reminded me of what watching movies should be about. Any suggestions for good, thought-provoking movies are more than welcome :)

My discontent with today's movies and film culture only increases my excitement for this film class. I am thrilled to be watching movies in this class that have some actual merit to them and contain more than just the cheap tricks that I have become all too used to. Honestly at this point I will watch and enjoy anything so long as it isn't the same as a hundred other movies. All Quiet on the Western Front was a great movie when we watched it in American History last year, and I enjoyed it even more this year. Also, I am looking forward to watching The Seventh Seal again, as it is one of my favorite movies. I'm not sure what to think about Citizen Kane yet, but it seems promising. We'll see...

There's a lot more I want to talk about, but I think this post has been random enough so I'll just save those for later. Oh, since I am unable to figure out how to edit my profile, it will indefinitely mock the JSA and say that I am a fan of bee-keeping and banana horticulture... Thank you Mr. Bennett.

1 comment:

  1. It's just such a pleasure to read clear prose. Your post was not at all rambling. You made several thoughtful and interesting points, and you did it with style. As far as the banana and Mr. Wantowski (is that a redundancy?) are concerned, go to your dashboard, then to edit profile. The rest is pretty easy. And you're very wise to change that comment about "tolerating the right-wing elements in JSA." They are utterly intolerable. And, worst of all, they have to meet in MY room every Tuesday.
